Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Jack Horner - Profile of the Famous Paleontologist
Jack Horner - Profile of the Famous Paleontologist Name: Jack Horner Conceived: 1946 Nationality: American Dinosaurs Named: Maiasaura, Orodromeus About Jack Horner Alongside Robert Bakker, Jack Horner is one of the most conspicuous scientistss in the United States (the two men filled in as consultants for the Jurassic Park motion pictures, and Sam Neills character in the first was motivated by Horner). Horners fundamental distinguishing strength was his revelation, in the 1970’s, of the broad settling grounds of a North American hadrosaur, which he named Maiasaura (great mother reptile). These fossilized eggs and tunnels gave scientistss a bizarrely point by point look at the family life of duck-charged dinosaurs. The writer of various mainstream books, Horner has stayed at the cutting edge of paleontological exploration. In 2005, he found a lump of T. Rex with delicate tissue despite everything connected, which was as of late investigated to decide its protein content. Furthermore, in 2006, he drove a group that found many almost flawless Psittacosaurus skeletons in the Gobi Desert, revealing some significant insight into the ways of life of these little, curved herbivores. Recently, Horner and associates have been analyzing the development phases of different dinosaurs; one of their all the more dazzling finds is that Triceratops and Torosaurus may well have been a similar dinosaur. By the turn of the 21st century, Horner had gotten a notoriety for being a touch of an offbeat, consistently anxious (and maybe a smidgen over-anxious) to oust acknowledged dinosaur speculations and hoard the spotlight. Hes not reluctant to challenge his faultfinders head-on, be that as it may, and recently has caused considerably to a greater extent a mix with his arrangement to clone a dinosaur by controlling the DNA of a living chicken (not a long ways, in fact talking, from the dubious program known as de-termination).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Database Administrator Z/Os free essay sample
Sanders DB2 10 Exam 610 Practice Questions by Robert Wingate For affirmation test: DB2 9 DBA for z/OS (000-732) DB2 9 for z/OS Database Administration: Certification Study Guide by Susan Lawson and Daniel Luksetich DB2 10 DBA for z/OS (000-612) DB2 10 for z/OS Database Administration: Certification Study Guide by Susan Lawson and Daniel Luksetich For accreditation test: DB2 9 System Administrator for z/OS (000-737) DB2 9 System Administration for z/OS: Certification Study Guide: Exam 737 by Judy Nall DB2 10 System Administrator for z/OS (000-617) DB2 10 System Administration for z/OS: Certification Study Guide: Exam 617 by Judy Nall (due out in May of 2013) 2)Then there is the accompanying free instructional exercise: For confirmation test: DB2 9 Fundamentals (000-730) DB2 9 Fundamentals affirmation 730 prep arrangement at http://www. ibm. com/developerworks/offers/lp/db2cert/db2-cert730. html For affirmation test: DB2 10 Fundamentals (000-610) DB2 10 Fundamentals accreditation 610 prep arrangement at http://www. bm. com/developerworks/information/instructional exercises/db2-cert6101/list. html 3)$30 IBM practice tests: For accreditation test: DB2 9
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
7 Major Obstacles when Running a Franchise Business
7 Major Obstacles when Running a Franchise Business © Shutterstock.com | garagestockRunning a franchise can be cumbersome, especially if you are unfamiliar with the possible hindrances. This article delineates them, providing you with an 1) introduction, 2) 7 major obstacles, 3) systems affected by the obstacles, and 4) solutions.INTRODUCTIONA franchise business or a “franchisor†owns the name, business logo and the model. The rights of these can be sold to a “franchiseeâ€; independent third party operators who own retail outlets. It is incumbent upon the franchisee to follow a set of guidelines and rules that are a part of the existing business they have bought rights from. The franchisor benefits through the ongoing royalty fee payments, or in some cases, a one-time upfront fee paid by the franchisee.Franchising is an exceedingly common practice among owners who are looking to expand their businesses. Although we are all familiar with franchise businesses; seeing them on every corner, there is a common misconception that onl y fast food businesses are franchises. There are many other business ventures that can be expanded through franchising. About 120 different types of franchises exist today. These vary from health fitness to automotive, financial services, cleaning maintenance and even pet-related franchises.It is important that the franchisor ensures an existing, established business model is being followed by the entire network that falls under the franchise name. This includes business methods, signs, logos, uniforms and anything that is an identity of the franchise. While the franchisor is benefiting through expansion, the franchisee is responsible for selling the product or services in keeping with a tested business process.Although a proven method for expanding a business successfully, franchising has numerous challenges particularly for newcomers.7 MAJOR OBSTACLES WHEN RUNNING FRANCHISE#1. Enforcing the Vision and ConsistencyProper functioning on the behalf of the franchisee is beneficial fo r the franchisor as well as the franchisee. Failing to do so affects both parties. But the stakes are highest for the franchisor. Monitoring of franchisees becomes an integral part of the expansion through franchising. It is important that the vision of the parent company is enforced and there is a consistency in the product or services that a brand is selling.Taking the expansion further means a franchise grows onto territories that cannot be physically inspected by the franchisor as part of the daily operations. This brings into perspective concerns regarding infrastructure, capital, time and the right kind of people.#2. Lacking a Harmonious RelationshipBusiness relationships are rarely harmonious. It is common knowledge that no two people can think completely alike. Disagreeing upon the most mundane of decisions or choices to be made is inevitable and there really is no method or prescription that can resolve them. Avoiding them is a possibility and nearly a solution. Although th ere is no sure way of having a completely harmonious relationship, identifying the deep rooted cause of disputes can help.In most cases, a minor let-down or interruption in communication between the franchisee and the franchisor can turn into a major dispute. Lack of communication can also result in a franchisor being completely unaccommodating to the franchisee. On the other hand, it could also cause a complete refusal of meeting obligations of a franchise agreement from the franchisee.#3. Managing Rising CostsExpansion of a business through franchising has an ultimate goal; better financial prospects. However, attaining that goal takes time, patience and facing obstacles such as rising costs particularly in the initial stages of expansion.Franchisors often have unrealistic expectations regarding the payable fees for granting rights to the franchisee. Developing the franchise internationally in less developed countries has cost considerations that require a very realistic approach. It is a common error at the part of a franchisor to underestimate these costs.Demanding affront-end, large fee is not uncommon. However, capital is needed in underdeveloped areas for effective growth of the franchisee. Under these circumstances, franchisors have to make initial invests and be patient for the franchisee to sustain itself. Once up and running, the franchisee can then increase or accelerate the payments, most likely after meeting certain milestones set by the franchisor.#4. Building a Management TeamTurning a business into a franchise means the owner is taking a different position in this expansion process. From being an active part of the business, the franchisor becomes more of a leader who strategizes and monitors. Franchising is a set up with regards to recruitment and training of management teams. This is an important step in business expansion through franchising because managerial tasks also have to be delegated.Management teams are an essential part of buildin g an organization. In the successful running of a franchise business, the empire builders need to trust their teams and delegate tasks. Growing and evolving is as important for the franchisor as it is for the business.#5. Growth and Investment in Infrastructure, Technology and PeopleAs strange as it may sound, meeting bottom-line expectations in uncertain economic times may not be a wise decision for those who intend to grow their business. Creating functioning systems, developing them during adverse economic conditions and seeing opportunities for acceleration of growth of the business are sure signs of a strong company.Investing in infrastructure, technology and expanding through hiring more people allows a smooth expansion of a company. A more opportune approach requires the company to continue these processes for franchising under all economic conditions. This decision of continued investment during tough economic conditions is also affected by pressures from stakeholders. The f ranchisor needs to weigh the pros and cons and make intelligent decisions which often require taking big risks.[slideshare id=13475359doc=fwhumanresourcechallenges6-26-12-120627150738-phpapp01]#6. Supporting FranchiseesIt is important that the franchisees are upholding the agreement made with the franchise. The franchisee should follow the business model of the franchise entirely, and protect the name of the company. However, it is a two-way street. True success requires the franchisor to provide full support to the entire chain. This support benefits the franchisees which ultimately benefits the entire business franchise. Support can be provided through different means such as holding training programs, using online learning modules and additional efforts that ensure quality control and assurance that there is uniformity in the experience at all units of the franchise.#7. Bringing InnovationIt has already been established that a business franchise will benefit from the success of its franchisees. Beyond successfully executing the franchisor’s business model, bringing something special to an individual setup as an independent effort through innovative ideas brings something special to the franchisee. Despite being smaller businesses, franchisees have been profiting from the execution of inventive ideas as long as they abide by the agreement laid down by the franchisor. Franchisors need to monitor the business model is being followed but beyond its acceptance, innovation should be welcomed as a source of profitability. Allowing innovation at the franchisee level develops a relationship of trust and helps maintain harmony.SYSTEMS AFFECTED BY THE OBSTACLESOn an international level, franchising takes up a whole new set of challenges. Beyond borders, a lot changes owing to a different economic conditions, local customs and business practices of the targeted country. In lieu of ideal arrangements, realistic expectations are the key to staying on the road to succ essful expansion of the business. The following are systems affected in the process of international expansion of a franchise and how these affects can be countered.Territory and ExclusivityBoundaries cause territorial rights and restrictions. Franchisors should abstain from exclusivity specifically when it comes to international franchisees. Insisting on implementing similar rights in all territories may cause disputes and competition between the franchisee and the franchisor. Avoiding conflicts is a smart choice for the franchisor through relaxation of rights; impeding adaptation to the environment of the franchisee should be evaded.International boundaries often create conflicting situations in countries where political situation is unstable or the official borders are under scrutiny. In such cases, the franchisor should assess plausible changes and add the fate of the disputed territory in the agreement in advance. Withdrawing a territory or forfeiting it from an exclusivity gra nt in the post agreement phase under difficult political times would give the franchise bad reputation in the international market.FeesDemanding an upfront payment even from a local franchisee may not be a suitable arrangement. Fees can be charged as royalty so that a franchisee can establish itself before making large sums of money to pay for the rights. In the case of international franchisees, upfront fees will hinder the development of the systems. Other than the fees for the rights bought from the franchise, demanding reimbursements for developing products and service expenses may be going a bit too far. These are costs that the franchisor needs to bear as part of international franchise development. Neglecting concerns like inflation and implementation of cost-of-index of the home country rather than where the franchise is being introduced, are concerns that should be considered.TaxesFinancial arrangements in international franchising should be kept very realistic. A major obs tacle in business franchising occurs when international franchise tax laws are implemented. Since the franchisee is a small establishment independently, the tax implementation can cause up to 15% burden in most jurisdictions. The franchisor should make considerate and realistic arrangements for royalty payment. Adopting methods like receipt transfer from the franchisee to the franchisor for claiming tax credits in the home country helps to relieve the burden.Development ObligationsIt is idealistic to apply the rate of development in the home country to foreign regions. An extensive research on local systems as well as market and economic changes should be done before drawing up a contact for the development schedule. The event that the development obligations are not met, the agreement should not be terminated. It makes more sense to surrender a part of the exclusive territory or reduce the exclusivity in order to have some productive outcome of the efforts invested so far.System Mo dificationsConsiderations for local country regulations, laws, customs and culture are very important. It should be kept in mind that modifications and adaptation will be required for the benefit of the franchisee as well as the franchise on the whole. The target country franchisee should be allowed modifications in site selection, equipment specifications, fixtures, décor furnishings, signage and a few products and services. In laying down the agreement on modifications, the sole aim should be the betterment of the franchise by making it more adaptable to its surroundings.Sub-Franchise AgreementsThe franchisor should demand notice of any changes that need to be made in compliance with local demands or requirements. These changes are inevitable in international franchising and are the right of a franchisee given that prior notice or approval is requested from the franchisor.Supply ArrangementsIt is best to address supply arrangements at a very early stage of international franchi se development. The most practical approach for proper supply arrangements is providing standards and specifications to the franchisee to adhere to. The franchisor can monitor the supplier premises, facilities, test samples and change or disapprove them.Dispute ResolutionHowever careful a franchisor maybe, disputes are inevitable. It is important for the owner of a business franchise to take the best possible route to resolving a dispute. It is preferable that litigation be avoided at all costs and international arbitration should be a preference. It is best, though, to resolve disputes through meetings and discussions.Governing LawGoverning law of the franchisees country should apply to the franchise. Laws of the home country may sound ideal to the franchisor, but would be unrealistic and impractical. In furthering the matter of dispute resolution, courts of the jurisdiction of both domiciles can be conferred, or those of the party that does not initiate legal proceedings. A th ird party can also be involved for a neutral and exclusive jurisdiction. All three possibilities have their own pros and cons. Therefore, assigning any one for dispute resolution in a franchise agreement should be done through careful consideration.SOLUTIONSHaving Sufficient CapitalBusiness owners should be perceptive of the fact that franchising is a huge venture which requires large initial investments and starting costs include administration, marketing, operations, accounting as well as staff and lead generation. It is estimated that profit from 20 franchise units generates enough royalty to benefit the franchise.Building a Solid InfrastructureStudying the prerequisites for systems and processes is extremely important. Establishing the requirement of infrastructure, for example, is not sufficient. It is essential for the franchisor to ensure that the process of establishing and growth of systems and processes that ultimately support the expansion of the business through franchis ing have also been taken under consideration.Building Solid RelationshipsFranchisors should be conscious of the fact that quality of franchisees is very important. True value of a franchisee takes precedence over numbers in the long run. Expansion should not only be seen in numbers but also evaluated for the quality of product or services. The quality maintenance can be practiced through monitoring. In addition, a solid relationship with the franchisee supplements quality maintenance. Franchisee validation is a source of further multiplication of the franchise and this is only possible through a happy, honest and successful relationship.Bringing the Right Staff on BoardIt is not always about hiring the right people. Particularly in business franchising, it is important to hire people that can be molded and trained into employees that represent the values of the company and reflect the brand through their performance.Understanding your Role as FranchisorEstablishing a franchise requi res a major paradigm shift. From being the owner of a business to being the owner of an expanding enterprise, a franchisor must assume the role of a leader. The focus of the business needs to be shifted from performance, expense control and staffing to training, support and addition to the franchise.Large ventures require big investments, careful planning and taking immense risks. Entrepreneurs have to be risk takers and dreamers in order to achieve and be successful. Being conscious of all the obstacles in franchising a business is extremely important. But victory is only in the destiny of those that dare to be fearless!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay on Wgu Nut1 Task 1 - 4120 Words
NUT 1 Task 1 Western Governors University Outline Multimedia Presentation What is an EMR? Importance of Information Access Personal Health Information (PHI) Security Quality Improvement Roles of Implementation Team Discussion Conclusion References What is an EMR? EMR stands for Electronic Medical Records. It is â€Å"a paperless, digital and computerized system of maintaining patient data, designed to increase the efficiency and reduce documentation errors by streamlining the process.†(Santiago, n.d., para. 1) Santiago, A. (n.d.). EMR - what is EMR? Retrieved from http://healthcareers.about.com/od/h/g/EMR.htm Importance of Information Access How will the EMR system benefit nurses in their work with patients? ïÆ' ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Steele, A. M., DeBrow, M. (2008). Efficiency gains with computerized provider order entry. In: Henriksen K, Battles JB, Keyes MA, Grady ML (eds) Advances in patient safety: new directions and alternative approaches AHRQ publication no 08–0034-4, vol 4. Technology and Medication Safety Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. Retrieved from http://www.ahrq.gov/qual/advances2/ More time at the bedside Time WASTED ïÆ' Looking for patient information, duplicate charting, checking on orders, trying to get old records, calling lab to see if a specimen was received, consulting with other nurses to figure out a handwritten order, calling physicians, searching for a drug book, figuring out a care plan, checking on orders (again). Time SAVED ïÆ' EMRs Personal Health Information (PHI) PHI contained in EMRs is more susceptible to breaches in security than paper data. WHY? ïÆ' ¼Most healthcare personnel can access at least some PHI ïÆ' ¼PHI is stored across a system, making it available at many locations, including portable devices ïÆ' ¼PHI is stored by third party vendors ïÆ' ¼Electronic security is weak or not up to date ïÆ' ¼PHI is available to insurance companies ïÆ' ¼Computer hackers can gain access ïÆ' ¼Physical theft of information Durben Hirsch, M. (2012). EHRs a major cause of patient info breaches. Retrieved from
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Top Research Paper Is Reviews!
Top Research Paper Is Reviews! Hearsay, Lies and a Research Paper Is An individual can look into the essence of the medical care delivery system from a national perspective to the neighborhood perspective. For example, if a researcher revealed that the range of children dying from, for example, cholera, was increasing in a specific nation, then they'd look at conducting research on alternative techniques of transmission. If you opted to use charge card receipts to identify customers in the population, your findings may not apply to every one of the customers of the pizzeria throughout the last calendar year. Key Pieces of a Research Paper Is It's therefore essential to do research as a way to identify and select the most dependable article critique writing company. When you're writing your research paper's introduction, you ought to be building it around a particular outline that gives a general review of the paper. The very first step in writing a research paper will need to be choosing your topic. You ought to be passionate in earning your research paper so it's possible to conceive ideas that are useful to your research. It's critical to continue to keep your reader always interested. For that reason, it can be tricky, but it does form an extremely important of your paper because it supplies the reader a rationale supporting the experiment you decided to deal with in the paper. It's also wise to know what sort of paper you ought to be writing. A superb outline is easily the most crucial step in writing an excellent paper. In the next passage, a few of the words are left out. a Research Paper Is An article critique should get an introduction that briefly introduces the report and tells the reader what to anticipate. Explain briefly the big points you want to cover in your paper and why readers ought to be interested in your topic. To start with, it's critical to read the article which is to be critiqued and understand it carefully. It's far better to be specific with your topic so that you can deeply center on the topic. As you probably know, simply because you've got a definition essay topic and a couple examples doesn't indicate you've got an essay. The research essay is basically a more in-depth variant of the 5 paragraph essay. To begin with, if you're writing definition essay you want to pick out a topic which will be interesting. A definition essay can be challenging to write. The War Against a Research Paper Is Basically, it is a distinct page having their basic details. If it's important to highlight a specific finding, you will get a chance to emphasize its significance in the discussion section. The info is exactly like a conventional outline, but it doesn't incorporate the very same formality. Provided that you build a technique that is suitable for you and that includes the identical information as a conventional outline, you're fine. Design research is a wide term with a lengthy history. The abstract is normally an overview of the research undertaking, the critical outcome and th e critical conclusions from the discussion. If you would like to work harder than you need to, then begin researching without a thesis. Sooner or later in the conclusion, the thesis ought to be restated. When you compose a research paper you build upon what you know about the topic and make a deliberate attempt to learn what experts know. Ahead of writing the Dissertation Methodology part, the researcher should have a concise idea of the various measures and ways of gathering data. To come up with a good research methodology, he needs to be able to describe the different research methods used. Most researchers actually opt to compose the introduction at the end so they do not miss any essential points of the entire research. The Dirty Facts About a Research Paper Is Sure, it doesn't have to be difficult to read an assignment and think you understand just what you ought to be writing. Before you commence writing the very first draft, read assignment prompts and ensure that you understand them in full. As soon as you state a thesis, making the remainder of your outline is quite a straightforward process since it mimics its structure. Though a thesis is part of your outline, it s till deserves proper attention due to its important function. What You Need to Know About a Research Paper Is If you are in possession of a good idea for your very first key argument start there. Your attitude to the topic may well decide on the amount of work and enthusiasm which you put into your research. You may create a list of interesting people and use it to make your selection. Each definition would be entirely tied to the person's person experiences, naturally. Otherwise, maybe you've just provided a summary rather than creating an argument. The last draft is going to be your final output. The kind of process is dependent on who you are and what you have to know. If you wish to highlight a crucial subject, acquiring a note will cause you to remember a specific detail easily. Ruthless Research Paper Is Strategies Exploited The topic which you're likely to choose should be interesting for you personally, in other case it would be really hard to assemble all facts and standard info to earn a superior paper. Before selecting a sample you have to define a sampling frame, which is a list of all of the units of the people of interest. An overall topic is not wise for a research paper as you are going to have trouble finding the most suitable sources. As opposed to relying entirely on descriptive text, think about the ways your findings can be shown visually.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gambling Pros and Cons and Stages Free Essays
Gambling is one of the many things that people do. A lot of people see no problem in gambling and others may see different. Gambling has many different cause and effects on certain people and different phases of getting there. We will write a custom essay sample on Gambling Pros and Cons and Stages or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some people may get the better effects, and some may get the not so good effects from it. Gambling doesn’t always just affect the person doing it, but may affect the people around them. There are many pros but more cons to gambling. People may just go gamble just for a night out, others do it on a regular basis. The ones that may do it on regular basis, build their own life around it. Getting into gambling may be caused from stress, greed, and mental health problems. Depression is a big one. When depressed gambling can lift up someone’s mood, especially if he or she is winning all the time. When winning all the time a person becomes greedier with their money than before. Some just don’t know when to stop. Some people waste their winnings on trying to win more when they should’ve just walked away. Other people use gambling when he or she is stressed out about money. They think they win one time there going to win many more, and money problems will disappear. From many stories shared around most likely that won’t be the case more problems just start to occur. The effects from gambling can be something little to something big. There are many harmful effects such as, debt, family issues, pathway to other crimes, endangering ones job, and most likely a high increase in alcohol and drug use. In a study conducted by the United States, 2. 5 million adults suffer from gambling addiction, where 15 million people are under the risk of getting this addiction. Many people who have this addiction go out and gamble their life savings, risking that they might lose it all. Bill money gets spent, and that when one starts to get in debt. Gambling also increase the issues in a household. Increase of child abuse, and neglect often occur. He or she might lose a 5,000 dollar bet and take the anger out on the children at home. Many gamblers stop caring about everyone around them, and only think about themselves. There are different stages to having the gambling addiction. The beginning s ones â€Å"winning†stage. One occasionally gambles, gets a big win, and then starts making higher bets. Next the â€Å"losing†phase hits. Some may lose time from work, start borrowing money from others, and start becoming in debt, because of that winning streak. Next the â€Å"desperation†phase. When one is in a panic from all the money lost, and the beginning of doing illegal crimes to get money will begin. Finally, the â€Å"hopelessnessâ⠂¬ phase hits. Now there is nothing left and suicidal thoughts run threw some people head. The debt is too much to handle and they feel nothing they can do will get them in a stable environment. This is also when in a marriage a divorce might happen, and everyone that was once there, may not be there anymore. Gambling is a horrible addiction. This addiction may be treatable, as long as the person wants to be treated. Gambling effects a lot more than just one person. It affects everyone around. A winning streak may just be a fluke, taking way too far and ruin one’s life and many more. There can be many pros and cons to gambling, but in the end the cons takes over. How to cite Gambling Pros and Cons and Stages, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Rock Essay Example For Students
The Rock Essay nothing (III.iii.75). Happy with Othellos answer, Desdemona leaves the garden and Iago, alone once again with Othello, continues his evil machinations. He asks if Cassio knew about Othellos love for Desdemona from the beginning of their courtship. Othello says yes and adds that Cassio even served as a matchmaker for the two and went between them very oft. Iago shows deep concern and subtly hints that Cassios ulterior motive had been all along to engage in an affair with Desdemona. Iago plays upon Othellos insecurities, reminding him that Cassio is younger and more handsome and is a white Venetian citizen. It does not take long before Othello is convinced of Desdemonas betrayal. He chooses the words of Iago over his trust in his wife, and declares my relief must be to loathe her. (III.iii.268). Desdemona enters with Emilia to call Othello for supper. He tries to hide his inner turmoil but Desdemona can tell that he is troubled. He complains that he has a headache. She pulls out a hand kerchief embroidered with strawberries and lovingly puts it to his head, but he pushes it away and it falls to the ground. Othello insists she not bother picking it up, and he tells her that he is ready for supper. For some time Iago has asked Emilia to steal Desdemonas handkerchief and now, alone in the garden, she has the opportunity. Hiding it in her pocket, Emilia wonders what Iagos intentions are for the handkerchief. Iago enters and Emilia proudly shows him the handkerchief. He calls her a good wench and she asks him for what purpose will he use it. He refuses to tell her and she leaves on his command. Once alone, Iago reveals what Emilia desired to know: I will in Cassios lodging lose this napkin/And let him find it (III.iii.321-2). Othello returns from his short supper and he is distraught to say the least: Farewell, tranquil mind (III.iii.350). Desdemonas treachery consumes his thoughts and he lashes out at Iago, demanding immediate proof of her betrayal. Iago makes up a st ory that placed him outside Desdemonas chamber a short time before, and he tells Othello that he heard Desdemona professing her love to Cassio. Othello rages Ill tear her to pieces and Iago adds that he has seen Cassio with Desdemonas handkerchief the first gift Othello ever gave her. Othello cries for blood! blood! blood! (III.iii.451) and kneels before his confidant Iago, taking a vow of revenge: Now, by yond marbleheaven,In the due reverence of a sacred vow We will write a custom essay on The Rock specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
Friday, March 20, 2020
Since the introduction of Dex-cool in 1996, vehicle owners have been plagued with problems.
Since the introduction of Dex-cool in 1996, vehicle owners have been plagued with problems. Problems with DexcalSince the introduction of Dex-cool in 1996, vehicle owners have been plagued with problems. The Intention of this project is to provide unbiased information about the use of Dex-cool and problems associated with Dex-cool, to those individuals that need it. The project document is intended for the use of General Motors to guide policy changes and recalls, if deemed necessary.The primary target audience of this project are high-level engineers and administrators within the corporation. The engineers and administrators are educated professionals with a clear understanding of how the cooling system on an internal combustion engine work. It is assumed they have an above average knowledge of vehicles and vehicle manufacturing. They may not have specific knowledge of the properties of Dex-cool. These individuals make policy changes and/or issue recalls.It is anticipated that corporation legal staff will use the project documentation for work in ongoing class action litig ation.Dex, Henry Saxe, 1977
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Understanding Diffusion in Geography
Understanding Diffusion in Geography In geography, the term diffusion refers to the spread of people, things, ideas, cultural practices, disease, technology, weather, and other factors from place to place. This kind of proliferation is known as spatial diffusion. The three main types of this phenomenon are expansion diffusion, stimulus diffusion, and relocation diffusion. Spatial Globalization is a form of spatial diffusion. Inside the home of an average American couple, youll find a good example of globalization. For instance, a womans handbag may have been made in France, her computer in China, while her spouses shoes may have come from Italy, his car from Germany, hers from Japan, and their furniture from Denmark. Spatial diffusion begins at a clear point of origin and spreads from there. How quickly and through what channels the diffusion spreads determines its class or category. Contagious and Hierarchal Expansion Expansion diffusion comes in two types: contagious and hierarchal. Infectious diseases are a prime example of contagious expansion. A disease follows no rules, nor does it recognize borders as it spreads. A forest fire is another example that fits this category. In the case of social media, memes and viral videos spread from person to person in contagious expansion diffusion as they are shared. Its no coincidence that something that spreads quickly and widely on social media is deemed going viral. Religions spread through contagious diffusion as well, as people must come in contact with a belief system to somehow to learn about and adopt it. Hierarchical diffusion follows a chain of command, something you see in business, government, and the military. The CEO of a company or the leader of a government body generally knows information before it is disseminated among a wider employee base or the general public. Fads and trends that start with one community before spreading to the wider public can also be hierarchical. Hip-hop music springing up in urban centers is one example. Slang expressions that owe their genesis to one particular age group before being more widely adopted- and perhaps eventually making it into the dictionary- would be another. Stimulus In stimulus diffusion, a trend catches on but is changed as it is adopted by different groups, such as when a certain religion is adopted by a population but the practices are blended with the customs of the existing culture. When slaves brought Voodoo, which has its origins in African tradition, to America, it was blended with Christianity, incorporating many of that religions important saints. Stimulus diffusion can also apply to the more mundane as well. Cat yoga, an exercise fad in the United States, is much different than the traditional meditative practice. Another example would be the menus of McDonalds restaurants from around the world. While they resemble the original, many have been adapted to suit local tastes and regional religious food doctrines. Relocation In relocation diffusion, that which moves leaves behind its point of origin but rather than simply being changed along the way or changing when it arrives at a new destination, it may also change points along the journey as well as the eventual destination, simply by being introduced there. In nature, relocation diffusion can be illustrated by the movement of air masses that spawn storms as they spread across a landscape. When people immigrate from country to country- or simply move from the country to the city- they often share cultural traditions and practices with their new community when they arrive. These traditions may even be adopted by their new neighbors. (This is especially true of food traditions.) Relocation diffusion can occur in the business community as well. When new employees come to a company with good ideas from their previous workplaces, smart employers will recognize the found knowledge as an opportunity and leverage it improve their own companies.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Introduction to Radio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Introduction to Radio - Essay Example Robert McLeash also asserts that the British radio is riven roughly 50/50 between radio stations owned and run by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and radio stations owned by commercial groups through license given by Ofcom. On the other hand, there are over two hundred stations owned and operated by the community, however, they are also licensed by Ofcom. MacLeash 2007 (14) also asserts that radio stations are characterized in the manner in which they are financed, and not by what they do. For instance, public service radio stations such as BBC operate under the terms of a Royal Charter and are funded by TV license fees. This fee is payable by people in the United Kingdom who watches live programming of television. The license fee is topped up by grants and revenues. On the other hand, commercial radio stations broadcasting in the United Kingdom are funded by payments made for advertisements. They broadcast on AM or FM via DTV, online and DAB (McLeish 2005, pp.13). The mod e of funding influences what is aired on these radio stations. This is explicated in the pressure faced by BBC to educate, be impartial, inform, as well as entertain since they rely on license fees. The first week also enabled us to learn the basics that an individual should know before embarking on recording of for radio or interviews. This is attributed to the fact that some background sounds such as wind, music or people talking in close range to the recording device can bring problems during editing. This is because they are difficult to edit out. In order to prove this point, we visited various locations within the university to ascertain that different reverberations have different effects on recording (Fleming 2002, pp.67). For instance, we visited two indoor and two outdoor locations in order to come up with the best neutral location and the best location with a background noise for recording an interview for radio. WEEK 2 Vox pop, an abbreviation of the Latin words vox popu li meaning ‘voice of the people’ is an extremely important source of news. In this type of news coverage, special researchers and news reporters go out into the streets with the intentions of seeking public views and opinions on matters of current public concern. They do this by asking thoughtful questions in order to: test public opinions and reactions, influence decision makers, stimulate public debate, forecast results of certain events, and promote a radio, newspaper or television station, among others (Crisell 1994, pp. 57). Vox pops have been used in the radio industry from the 1930s. It is also reported that in the initial decades of the 20th century, vox pops acted as a medium for the community to express their views. This is attributed to the fact that radio played an integral role in the community since it created a way for community members to provide, as well as receive opinion. In class we learnt how to make vox pop recordings. For instance, we were taught that questions should be asked with the recorder on pause; and that only responses given by the respondents’ should be recorded (Crisell 1994, pp. 69). Additionally, the responses should be put together in separate bands so that during compilation, the best answers should be at the beginning and at the end. In the middle of the vox pop, the responses should contain a mix up of opinions varying between female and male voices. WEEK 3 During this week we learnt how to edit the vox pops that we had made in the
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Development of The Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Development of The Constitution - Essay Example The English legal system denied provisions granting necessary resources and protection to the people accused of crimes; unless the allegations were proven true. It was the American law which initially offered legal asylum to the accused groups (Paul, 2006). The legal asylum does not imply special and lenient treatment, rather the defendants were provided with minimum services to defend their position. The intent of such measures has been to bring credibility to the judicial system of the United States. Before 1960s, the courts were reluctant to offer counsel services to the accused groups. The services for the counsel were either limited or rejected; the provisions for counsels were provided based upon the financial standing of the accused groups. It was in the case entitled Powell v. Alabama 1963, when the court favoured the counselling services for the accused groups; the ruling encouraged the states to offer judicial protection to the accused groups through counselling. This was considered to be the first ruling which blatantly refused and challenged the interpretation of the British law; the law which discouraged any such counselling provisions for the accused groups. The court ruling considered it to be the legitimate demand of the defence for provisions of legal counselling services; however the court involved the states to determine the extent and nature of counselling to the accused groups. In 1942 during the hearing of Bett v. Brady, the court ruled it necessary to provid e adequate legal protection to the accused group through counselling; however the requirement of legal counselling through lawyer to the accused group shall be evaluated on the basis of necessity. Such rulings confirmed that American law was adopting distinct approach, and in some cases challenged the interpretation of the English law. In 1960 the American law confirmed and reiterated its resolution to provide
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Causes of the Construction Defects
Causes of the Construction Defects Construction defects are very common and often arising or spot in the construction project, especially in the project which has poor management or supervision in the construction site. Construction defect can be known as a major problem in the construction industry that could cause the value of a building decrease eventually. For the question of what is construction defect there is no direct or short answer or explanation to answer the question of what is construction defect. Construction defect in the construction project normally can be arise from two mains factor which is defect cause by workmanship and land movement. Some of the example for the common construction defect can be defective concrete of frame, cracking of slab; wood structural attack by termite, leaking in the building and etc. other than that, construction defects in construction project due to the reason of land movement could be underground water, settlement, improper compaction during earthwork stage and inadequa te of drainage. Every construction project is always involved and appears the term of construction defect for the reason of there is no a building or project without defect occurs. In order to study the further detail information of causes, effects and methods to minimize construction defects in construction project, this dissertation would be carry out for the purpose of study in deep of construction defect. 1.2 Research Background Climatic of Malaysia are change aggressively, therefore all of the buildings in Malaysia are expose to the aggressive environment all the time. Because of this, majority of the building in Malaysia will have the defects occurs in the buildings after the building is occupant a period of time. The purpose of conduct this research is to study the common construction defect in the construction project. Once the defects study, it is also necessary focus on the effects of the construction defects that will occur, since defect is precedent of effects of the construction defects. In additional, in order to minimize the construction defects, an evaluation on methods to minimize the construction defect will also be focus on this research. 1.2.1 Causes of the construction defect A construction defect can be known as a component in the building are built by the contractor or design by professionals not according to the specification, plan, not comply with the construction code that established by the authority( Calvin Cal E. Beyer, 2011). Construction defects can be also defined as that will make the project dangerous, unsafe, causes the user of the building to be injured or dead (Michael S. Poles, GC, CM, RCI, DABFET, ACFE, 1995). It can be occurs during the construction process and cause the project costly rework, project not complete in time and affect the overall performance of the building. Construction defect can be classified as 2 types, which are Patent Defects and Latent Defects. Patent Defects can be detected by the normal inspection or testing and apparent to naked eye, for example roof leak or a foundation crack. However, Latent Defects are hidden and cannot discoverable by normal examination or testing which will appear itself after a period of time (Anon 1, 2007). According to the researcher from the University of Florida, construction defects can be various types and influenced by many factors in the construction industry. The common types and the causes of the construction defect can be included (Calvin Cal E. Beyer, 2011): Improper design Poor workmanship that leads to poor finishing quality Improper means or methods of installation Improper or poor quality of the materials Defective material or poor material performance Missing or inadequate protection from weather or environmental condition in the construction site. Soil subsidence, movement and settlement Base on the few studies of researcher, the effects of the construction defect can increase the overall construction cost and the final quantity of the project (Zietsman, R., 2004) and a survey conducted by the Building Research Establishment in the United Kingdom, it found that 35% of the defects were arise from faulty construction(Assaf, Al-Hammad, Al-Shihah, 1995). It can be due to the reason of bad workmanship, inadequate supervision and substitution of poor material, components or fixings. Beside those common type and the causes of the construction defect has stated above, the 35 most frequent defects was identified by the Building Research Establishment. The causes of defects that were identified which is (Assaf, Al-Hammad, Al-Shihah, 1995): Lack of inspection Making use of inexperienced, unqualified inspectors Avoiding and ignoring inspection completely Non implementation of corrective actions during the construction process Inaccurate measurement Making use of defective or damaged formwork Excavations to close to an existing building and exposing the foundations Non-conformance with waterproofing specifications Inability to read and understand/interpret drawings Insufficient concrete cover Improper construction of cold joints Loss in adhesion between materials Stripping formwork too early Unacceptable soil compaction procedures Inadequate curing procedures Lack of communication Non-compliance with specifications Inability to read and understand/interpret drawings Insufficient site supervision Lack of communication between the owner, architect/engineer, project manager Employing unqualified supervisors Speedy completion of certain activities specifically where equipment is on hire Unqualified labor force Multinational construction experience Defects resulting from the wrong selection of materials Using materials unsuitable for the climatic conditions Using cheap materials Making use of expired materials Inadequate storage facilities Misuse of equipment Equipment not performing to specification Lack of the proper equipment Cross referencing and detailed referencing on drawings lacking Conflicting details on drawings Details of sections on drawings lacking According to Marianne (2005), these 35 defects listed above can be grouped in to 4 categories which are: Design deficiencies Material deficiencies Construction deficiencies Subsurface/geotechnical problem 1.2.2 Method to minimizing the construction defect In construction industry, there is varying of the methods to minimizing or reduce the construction defects. According to Alice M. Noble-Allgire (2008), improving quality control can be known as a method to minimize the construction defects occurs. A quality control programs can be set up by the builder and use to reduce the construction defects. Besides that, structuring their contract with certain of the rules that can ensures that the parties take responsibilities on the defects that created under his works. Construction defects can be also minimizing by the improved oversight, for example builder can improve their building inspection practices in all the way. Other than that, if there is insufficient for improve the quality control, it also can through licensing, certification, and education requirement to improved the quality control. For example, a contractor which intended to select, the contractor must be register with the Construction Industry Development Board know as CIDB. With the registration, that can ensure the quality of contractor and the works. 1.2.3 Effect of the construction defect Construction defect can decrease and affect the value of the buildings. According to Atkinson, (1999), defects are developments in construction that reduces the project`s value instead of adding to it. Other than reduces the project value, where the construction defect apparent, It also can cause the project totally delay which mean not complete with in the period state in the contract. Cost overrun can be known as one of the effect when the construction defects happen in the construction site. Construction defect will also affect society at large due to possible danger posed and result in direct and indirect cost in repairs, abnormally high maintenance dispute and possible loss of building. 1.3 Problem Statement Construction defect in the construction project is very common. It is because buildings are exposing to the inclement weather especially in the climatic country such as Malaysia. Construction defects can be arising due to inadequate design, poor workmanships in the construction and lack of maintenance. The defects that in the construction project can become worst and worst due to the reason of invisible defect that not discover by the builder or the occupants. Construction defect can be also bringing negative impact to the occupant, builder, and country. Therefore it may affect the appearance of the building, health and safety of the occupant, country economic, reputation and etc. Thus, this problem can cause occupant unhappy eventually. 1.4 Research Aims and Objectives 1.4.1 Aim This research was aimed at identifying and studies the causes and effect of construction defects in the construction sector. Besides that, the other aim of this research is to study the methods of minimizing the construction defects in construction projects. 1.4.2 Objectives In order to achieve the aim of this research the objective has been listed as follow: To determining and understand various types of construction defects in construction projects. To identify the causes and effects of the construction defects in construction projects. To analyze the methods used to minimizing the construction defects in the construction projects. 1.4.3 Key Question What is construction defect? What are the effects of construction defect can be occurs in construction projects? What is the solution or methods to minimize the defect? 1.5 Importance and Benefits of Study This research will have benefits of to prevent the construction defects occur. Thus, this thesis will study the causes, effects and the methods to minimize the construction defects. Besides that, this study can also enhance the knowledge of the builders or any participants involve in the construction in order to increase the quality of the buildings. 1.6 Scope of Study Various types of construction defects will be study for the purpose of understanding the construction defects. The main scope will be the causes of the construction defects will be study in depth and identify the most common causes that cause the construction defects occurs in the construction project. Followed by the effects from the various construction defects that occur in the construction project will be study. For the last, the method to minimize the construction defects will be analyzes. 1.7 Methodology of Research In order to obtain the useful information for this dissertation study purpose, there is few methods to collect the data and information. Since the type of the data to be collecting having not been deciding therefore there is a consequence stage to follow. Stage 1: Literature Review Literature review is the Initial stages of the methodology, because some of the information that is useful for setting out the questionnaire. There is numbers of way or method for carry out literature review to obtain information for this dissertation: Magazines Journals Articles Books Newspaper Internet (www.google.co www.yahoo.com) Stage 2: Choose of suitable data collection method There are 2 types of the methods to collect the data had been choose for this dissertation, which categories in 2 types. Only one of the methods will choose for this research to collect the data among the 2 methods. Quantitative Questionnaires A set of questions will be form base on aim, objective of this study and the information that I found in the literature review. Target groups: experience contractor and the site supervisor. Reason: personal financial and able to obtain the data in short period. Qualitative Case study Observation and investigation (site visit). Targeted Place : construction sites, occupied buildings Identify the common defects in the construction project and some of the photo will be taken. Stage 3: Data analysis Once the data collected, in this chapter will analysis the data that collected from the questionnaire and case study by either method of SPSS, table method or bar chart. Analysis will include: Respondent age Collected data for Cause of defect in construction project Find out the major cause Collected data for the effect of defect in construction project Find out most worst effect Collected data for the method to minimize the defect in construction project Analysis which method most effective Details of the construction site or building Comparison of site or building Major defects arise in construction from the case study data Stage 4: Conclusion and Recommendation Conclusion Result of analysis will be conclusion. Judgment for the result will be including in the conclusion. For example which common cause of the defect in the construction project. Most effective method to reduce the defect in construction project will conclude. Recommendation A further scope of study will be recommended. Most effective methods as remedial action for construction will be recommended. Some of the field for study in depth will recommended. 1.8 Summary of chapters 1.8.1 Chapter 1 Introduction In chapter 1, information regarding the research topic will be discussed in brief in the introduction. Other than that, background in this chapter will further study in depth the causes, effects and method to minimizing the construction defects. For example, defects can be categorized in 2 types, which is patent and latent defect. In additional, the research aim and objective will also include in this chapter follow by research methodology, which is how the data be collect and analyze. 1.8.2 Chapter 2 Literature Review In chapter 2 Literature Review, the causes of the construction defects will be discussed. Once the causes of the construction defects is discussed, the effects of the construction defects will also be discuss follow by the methods to minimize the construction defects. In additional, ways of obtain information for the purpose of conduct Literature Review will be from the articles, journals, internet, reference books and etc. 1.8.3 Chapter 3 Research Methodology In Chapter 3 Research Methodology, structure of questionnaire will be form and the procedure of the case study will be plan. (If case study method is choose). Once the information obtains from the questionnaire, it will be listed in this chapter. Example for the structure of questionnaire: Improper design Poor workmanship that leads to poor finishing quality Improper means or methods of installation Improper or poor quality of the materials Defective material or poor material performance Missing or inadequate protection from weather or environmental condition in the construction site. Soil subsidence, movement and settlement This questionnaire is base on the Likerts scale of 5 ordinal measures from 1 to 5 according to level contributing. For example: = strongly Agree (4) = Agree (3) = moderate (2) = Disagree (1) strongly disagree Example of the case study procedure: Step 1: Selecting the sites Step 2: Meet up with sites manager and get approval Step 3: Conduct case study Observation Take necessary photo Step 4: Gather all the data Step 5: Analysis the data 1.8.4 Chapter 4 Data Analysis Once the data successful collected from the questionnaire or case study, the following step is to analysis the data in this chapter 4. The methods use to analysis the collected data can be SPSS, Bar Chart or table method. For example the data can be analysis included: Respondent age, collected data for Cause of defect in construction project, collected data for the effect of defect in construction project, details of the construction site or building, major defects arise in construction from the case study data. 1.8.5 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation In this chapter a conclusion will be conduct to conclude the whole research including the result from the analysis that carry out through the SPSS, bar chart. Besides that, most effective methods to minimize the construction defects will be recommending base on the result of analysis in order to fulfill the research aim and objective. 1.9 Summary In Chapter 1, general information regard this Research will be discus in the introduction such as definition of the construction project and defects. Some of the further information from other resource such as internet, articles, books, magazines and etc will be discuss in further in the Research Background. For example, causes of the construction defects, methods to minimize the construction defects and effects of the construction defects in the construction project will be discuss in more detail. Identifying and studies the causes, effects and methods to minimize the construction defects is the aim and objective for this Research. In additional, the Methodology of this research will include literature review and data will be collect from either questionnaire or case study. In this chapter, the aim and objective include identifying and studies the causes and effect of construction defects in the construction sector, and the methods to minimizing the construction defects in construction project.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Gaelic football Essay
My chosen sport is Gaelic football and my local club is called Roger Casements GAC which is situated in the medium sized town of Portglenone. The club was founded in 1940. It is a GAA club with the aim â€Å"The GAA is a community based volunteer organisation promoting Gaelic Games, culture and lifelong participation†(www.gaa.ie). There are 9 teams in my club ranging from under 6 years to seniors, with 20 -25 players on each panel. The club is organised by an elected committee comprising 12 people and assisted by the backroom team for the organisation and management of the teams. The club is the pride of the community with many paying members, 300 in total. The Antrim county board organises fixtures for senior players whereas the southwest Antrim board organises matches at juvenile levels. Development from Grass Roots to Elite: Grass Roots – The lowest level in Roger Casements is the under 6 team which trains weekly and play small scale friendly matches against other local teams. Skill development is the main focus at this young age. Schools – The secondary schools in the area also support the development of young players. Local schools such as St. Louis and St. Mary’s have a high reputation of producing successful Gaelic teams. The standard of competition increases progressively through the age groups as players have access a higher level of coaching and better training facilities. Club – Players progress through the age-groups until they reach senior level, the pinnacle of club football where they compete in the county championship and the county league with the aim of becoming All- County champions. Elite – The elite level for a Gaelic player is the senior county level i.e. elite. To play for one’s county is a great achievement. Regional Development Squad Under age players Senior County player Majority of club players and School Finances of the club: The club raises finances in a number of ways; The weekly club lotto. Advertising panels around the pitch to attract the capital of local businesses. Sponsorship by local businesses in return for the name and logo being featured on the team jersey. Additional social events at the pavilion such as a fancy dress Halloween ball, the X-factor, Golf days and Tribute Acts. Gate receipts from matches. Members pay an annual fee of twenty pounds which includes insurance for the players.. The Lottery funding project is supporting Casements Gac in the provision of new facilities as are the Antrim county board. Facilities: The club benefits from the use of private facilities, bought and paid for over fifty years. It owns its own land consisting of one pitch and high quality changing rooms. Casements also own a club pavilion with a bar and indoor hall which is available to the general public. There is also a local Gaelic pitch owned by the district council which helps the club avail of the use of limited public sector facilities. Local schools, colleges and clubs: The local schools genuinely get on well with each other and allow their facilities to be used for community use. We train in our own pitch, a community pitch or the school pitch. Casements facilities are largely open for community use and other teams may book them by request. Gaelic football is now a major sport with schools as it is taught on the curriculum. The local primary school encourages young children to join Casements to develop their game. Post-primary schools help to further develop a player and work well with my club in organising facilities and training. Club Schemes: The club runs many GAA accredited schemes such as the mini 7’s, Cà ºl Camp and internal club award schemes. The club has a prize giving ceremony every year in which the â€Å"player of the year†and â€Å"most improved†awards are presented. The club also runs a Cà ºl camp to develop the ‘FUNdamental’ skills of the younger players with the emphasis on fun as well as skill (www.rogercasementsgac.com). The club within the voluntary sector as it is run and financed by volunteers. The GAA is a voluntary organisation where managers and players volunteer to take part. Officials are paid a small sum to encourage officiating and as there are small numbers. Disabled Members: Unfortunately, locally there are no GAA activities for the disabled. However proper access is availoable and everyone is made to feel part of the community. Disabled members also have the chance to manage and help to develop young players. Gender issues: The club caters for men’s Gaelic football and ladies camogie at all ages. Unfortunately there is a gender bias within the GAA as a whole as women aren’t allowed to compete with the males. Casements doesn’t cater for a men’s hurling team or a women’s Gaelic team. Lack of numbers is a major influence. I can safely link my role as a leader and performer at my local club. It has clearly developed me as a performer from a young age and this has given me the characteristics and qualities necessary to be a leader. There are also opportunities to become involved in coaching and officiating from a young age e.g. young whistlers and coaching foundation course where there are regular classes in local areas. These are run by the Ulster Council and are generally free to members of the GAA. Critique: Sourcing my information for this study was relatively easy due to the varied supply of information. What I did find less pleasing was the fact that there aren’t any real efforts currently being made within the GAA to adapt the game for people with disabilities, unlike some other sports. This is an area for potential development by the GAA. Female participation is well established in the county and indeed in Ireland but unfortunately, in my club, there aren’t sufficient numbers interested to warrant a team. There are few local public sector facilities available which limit the clubs use of these e.g. leisure centres and gyms. Bibliography: www.rogercasementsgac.com www.antrim.gaa.ie www.gaa.ie Roger Casements GAC-A history of 60 years www.google.co.uk/images
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Starbucks Analysis - 7510 Words
Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 03 2.0 Company Overview 04 2.1 Company Structure 04 2.2 Mission Statement 05 2.3 Financial Analysis 06 3.0 Competitive Analysis 06 3.1 Second Cup 06 3.2 Timothys 08 3.3 The Symposium Cafe 09 3.4 Tim Hortons 10 4.0 Competition in Canada 10 4.1 Direct Competition 10 4.2 Indirect Competition 11 5.0 Starbucks Current Positioning 13 5.1 Retail Positioning Matrix 13 6.0 Strengths and Weaknesses 14 6.1 Strengths 14 6.2 Weaknesses 15 7.0 External Factors 16 7.1 Political / Legal 16 7.2 Socio - Cultural 16 7.3 Economic 16 7.4 Demographic 17 8.0 Internal Factors 17 9.0 Future Outlook 18 9.1 Financial Summary 18 9.2 Market Expansion 19 9.3 Product Diversification 19 10.0 Strategic Issues 19 10.1†¦show more content†¦There are five major strategic issues that Starbucks has faced in the last year. These five issues include: consistency and quality in products and services, protection of suppliers and future supply, social responsibility in the public eye, remaining innovative, and identifying new and untapped markets. 2.0 Company Overview Starbucks Coffee Company was founded in 1971, opening its first location in Seattles Pike Place Market. Starbucks, named after the first mate in Herman Melvilles Moby Dick, is the worlds leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee with coffeehouses in North America, Europe, Middle East, Latin America and the Pacific Rim. Worldwide, approximately 33 million customers visit a Starbucks coffeehouse each week. Starbucks purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffees and sells them along with fresh, rich-brewed, Italian style espresso beverages, a variety of pastries and confections, and coffee-related accessories and equipment. In addition to sales through our company-operated retail stores, Starbucks sells whole bean coffees through a specialty sales group and supermarkets. Additionally, Starbucks produces and sells bottled Frappuccino ® coffee drink and a line of premium ice creams through its joint venture partnerships and offers a line of innovative premium teas produced by its wholly owned subsidiary, Tazo Tea Company. The Companys objective is to establishShow MoreRelatedStarbucks : Starbucks Economic Analysis1673 Words  | 7 PagesStarbucks Economic Analysis 1 Starbucks Economic Analysis PATTEN UNIVERSITY JULY 29, 2015 MGT407 Managerial Economics Starbucks Economic Analysis 2 The coffee industry had never been the same since the early 1970s when three investors started a Seattle business called Starbucks Coffee, Tea, and Spice in Pikes Peak Market. Each invested about one thousand dollars and-and borrowed five thousand more from a bank to launch their endeavor. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Effects Of Steroids On The Human Body, Steroids...
Jared Hipsher Mrs. Sexton 3-26-15 English 10 Steroids Jared Hipsher 3-26-2015 English 10 Mrs. Sexton Steroids Thesis : The history of steroids, the affects of steroids on the human body, steroids in sports, and reasons why people use steroids, are all things I ve wanted to know for a long time now I am going to further my knowledge on this topic. Introduction About A. Types 1. Anabolic 2. Corticosteroids III. History A. 1954 1. Weight lifting 2. Olympics B. Ancient Athletes IV. Sports A. Athletes 1. Alex Rodriguez 2. Lance Armstrong B. Regulations V. Effects A. Side effects 1. Aggravation 2. Acne 3. Liver failure B. Addictions VI. Reasons A. Gains B. Self glorification VII. Conclusion Steroids Steroids have a bad reputation. All through history people have found ways to make things easier. In the early 1900 s steroids were discovered, and the worlds of athletics and medicine were changed for ever. There are many laws concerning steroids, and regulations against what we can do to increase our levels of intensity in sports. In the following paragraphs I should cover just about everything there so to know about steroids. In this paragraph I will discuss what steroids are. There are two main types of steroids in society today. Neither are considered good but one is better than the other. The first type is Anabolic Steroids. Anabolic Steroids areShow MoreRelatedThe Drawbacks Of Anabolic Steroids1384 Words  | 6 PagesThe Drawbacks of Anabolic Steroids and Why They Should Stay Illegal Anabolic steroids have been used and taken by humans for over half a century. The effects they provide have developed large ongoing debates as to whether these substances should be allowed to the general public. Anabolic steroid in short provide the human body a much grander potential to build muscle by helping the cells within the body produce more muscle fibers at an astonishing rate that could never be achieved naturally. ManyRead MoreAnabolic Androgenic Steroids Is A Huge Problem Among Today s Athletes857 Words  | 4 PagesVidden 14 January 2015 Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Abuse in Professional Sports Anabolic-androgenic steroids are a huge problem amongst today’s athletes. The use of these drugs has been around for many years in sports. Understanding anabolic-androgenic steroids and why people take them is needed in the process of trying to eliminate them from professional sports. Also, players knowing and understanding how the negatives of anabolic-androgenic steroid use outweigh the positives will hopefully helpRead MoreEssay about Steroids in Professional Sports976 Words  | 4 PagesSteroids in Professional Sports Sports is one of the most popular forms of entertainment we have today. Whether it’s football, basketball, soccer, baseball, etc., fans are willing to pay ridiculous amounts of money in order to watch sports. There are few issues in the world of sports. But there is one issue that stands out, steroids. Although steroids may increase strength, stamina and athleticism, they are incredibly harmful to your body and should never be used. Still, some athletes persist inRead MoreAnabolic Steroids Have On The Body1637 Words  | 7 Pagesandrogenic steroids are a synthetic version of testosterone which one injects into the body. There are many different types of steroids however the most commonly abused are stimulants, HGH (Human Growth Hormone), diuretics, and testosterone. Although the body naturally produces testosterone many athletes, especially bodybuilders, take steroids to increase lean muscle mass, strength, and performance. Anabolic androgenic steroids are a controversial topic within sports. The main concern with steroids areRead MoreSports Philosophy And Recreation : Anabolic Steroids1430 Words  | 6 PagesSports Philosophy and Recreation Are Anabolic Steroids Important Of Body Building? I will argue no that anabolic steroids are not important for body building because they have great negative effects. The use of anabolic steroids has been discouraged over the years because of their side effects, and they are against the philosophy of sports. The steroids are medicine and protein supplements that aid in the body building. I hugely oppose the notion that anabolic steroid are imperative in buildingRead MoreSteroids Should Not Be Banned1316 Words  | 6 PagesSteroids have been around the athletic programs for years and the most testing has come out to spot this type of cheating in order to make playing sports fair. Society has become very lazy over the years and building up hard work has been taking for granted and a lot of people these days spend more time trying to cheat than making the effort to stay steady at the gym and achieve perfection correctly. Effects on steroids come with the good and bad just like everyt hing that is added to the body. WhenRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs Sports Today1476 Words  | 6 PagesEnhancing Drugs In Sports Today Performance enhancing drugs, or steroids, have long been in the lifestyle of athletes. Many famous athletes like Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Marion Jones and Lance Armstrong have all confessed to the use of steroids. Celebrities like actor Charlie Sheen and ex Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, have also admitted to using steroids in the past. Performance enhancing drugs are a dangerous form of medicine and are most often used for sports. Although usedRead MoreCase Study : Mr. Big Of New Zealand 1624 Words  | 7 PagesJustin Rys was a body builder who, in his prime, was very successful. With massive size and huge muscular gains, he won several body building competitions. He was even titled â€Å"Mr. Big of New Zealand†(Morrah). However, Justin is no shape to compete now and his health is quickly failing him. He can barely walk on the beach without losing his balance and his brain is all but functioning properly. His doctors do not know what is wrong with him and are doing all they can just to keep his heart beatingRead MoreAthletes Don t Need Steroids1451 Words  | 6 PagesProfessional athletes don’t need steroids but they put their hard work and dedication to using it. They want to build themselves into an athlete that loves more competition in themselves and others. But why use steroids when you can do it all by yourself and not to cheat but succeed in life do what you can to be a better athlete in sports. Its seem too often these days: the metric rise of an athletic superstar, with fans that marvel at his strength, quickness and agility and then, in an instant theRead MoreUse Of Steroids For Sports Athletes1684 Words  | 7 PagesThe Use of Steroids in Sports Imagine yourself as a young professional athlete, who has been suffering from constant injuries. Physical therapy might help the injury heal but the time being wasted also plays a major factor. Your doctor and physician eventually bring up the conversation of early retirement unless you can show them that you’re capable of returning to your natural ways. Realizing that your career could be here today and gone tomorrow is something that every athlete thinks about. Suddenly
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